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Stunting in toddlers is still a problem that cannot be resolved properly, especially for the village government. Thus, the role of the village government and village midwives in institutionalizing families in order to improve the quality of providing adequate food and providing appropriate complementary foods to fulfill toddler nutrition needs to be carried out. The purpose of this study is to disseminate the strategies of the village government and the village midwife at the puskesmas in reducing malnutrition and preventing stunting from various valid sources and recommending policies based on the results of the analysis and integration of published articles. Researchers apply a scoping review approach to six main stages, namely problem identification, identifying literature sources, literature selection, mapping and collecting literature, compiling and reporting results, and consulting with competent parties. The literature selection used the PRISMA approach by analyzing 6 articles on the strategies of the village government and village midwives in preventing stunting. The results of the analysis show that the subsidized food assistance program can assist families in providing adequate food and educational interventions and simulations can increase the knowledge and skills of mothers of children under five in improving the practice of giving appropriate complementary foods. The conclusion is that the existence of subsidized food assistance programs and educational interventions as well as balanced nutrition simulations can be an opportunity for the village government and village midwives in reducing malnutrition and preventing stunting in children under five


Pemerintah Desa Bidan Desa Stunting Malnutrisi

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How to Cite
Wanda Januar Astawan, M. Thonthowi Jauhari, Junendri Ardian, & Novianti Tysmala Dewi. (2022). Sistematik Review: Strategi Pemerintah Desa Dan Bidan Desa Puskesmas Dalam Mencegah Stunting . Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi Dan Keluarga, 2(1), 1-8. Retrieved from


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