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Overweight and obesity are serious problems and occur in all age groups, including college students. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of body composition and physical activity in overweight and obese female students at IPB University. This research is an analytical survey with a quantitative descriptive approach involving 61 female students aged 20–30 years with a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2. Data on characteristics, exercise habits, and physical activity levels were collected using a questionnaire; body composition was measured by bio-impedance analysis; and the average number of steps was measured using a Xiaomi smart-band bracelet version 4. The research was conducted in March–April 2020. Technical data analysis Data analysis was in descriptive and analytical form and presented in the form of percentages, frequencies, mean values, and standard deviations. The total number of subjects was 61. As many as 77.0% were obese, with an average body composition of PLT (44.6%), visceral fat (15.7 points), fat mass (33.4 kg), and BMI (30.6 kg/m2) in the high category. Physical Activity Level (PAL) is in the low category, namely 1.5, with an average number of steps of only around 5111 steps per day. Conclusion: Almost all subjects are obese, with body composition parameters classified as high, and physical activity is still in the very low category of what is recommended


Aktivitas Fisik Komposisi tubuh Mahasiswi Obesitas

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How to Cite
Iriyani Harun. (2023). Profil Komposisi Tubuh dan Aktivitas Fisik pada Mahasiswi Kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas di IPB University . Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi Dan Keluarga, 2(3), 29-38. Retrieved from


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