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The prevalence of stunting in children aged 24 to 60 months in Indonesia is similar to a significant health problem, the prevalence rate of stunting in West Java was 29.2%, almost equivalent to the national pre-lens rate of 30.8%. Garut district has the highest figure compared to Sukabumi district (37.4%) and Cianjur (35.7%). The purpose of this study is to analyze the stunting incidence factor for the 24- to 60-month-old Balita in the village of Situsaeur in Garut district. Pe-started analytical observations of the case control design with a total number of subjects (98 newspapers aged 24–60 months), 49 stunting as a case and 49 non-stopping as a control. The data was obtained with anthropometric measurements, KIA book documentation studies, and interviews. The data analysis presented is descriptive and analytical and is analyzed with Chi Squre's statistical test. The study found a significant correlation between protein intake and the occurrence of p-value stunting. 0,000 young people who had fewer protein intakes were 3,333 times more at risk than those who had enough protein. There is no significant relationship between the history of exclusive assigning of dengan stunting incidents and the news p-value of 0.286. The history of BBLR does not have a significant relationship with the occurrence of stunting in news p- value 0.264. The conclusion is that the protein is less associated with the factor occurrence of stunting, while the history of exclusive breastfeeding, BBLR, and disease does not have a significant relationship with stunting occurrences.


Stunting Nutrition Status Exclusive Breastfeeding Infectious Diseases

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How to Cite
Harun, I. (2023). Analysis Of Factors In The Incident Of Stunting In Children 24-60 Months In Situsaeur, Garut District . Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi Dan Keluarga, 3(1), 1-10. Retrieved from


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