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The case study was carried out based on the Standardized Nutritional Care Process (PAGT) in a 69 year old patient, Mrs. HS.. The variables monitored during the study were anthropometry, biochemistry, nutritional focus clinical physical, and dietary for three days. The results showed that anthropometric data, BMI of 16.6 kg/m2, was included in the underweight category, with a nutritional diagnosis of NC-3.1 and at the end of the intervention the patient's nutritional status was still underweight. The patient's laboratory examination, urea and creatinine increased by 141 mg/dl and 8.06 mg/dl and hemoglobin decreased by 7.5 gr/dl, with a nutritional diagnosis of NC-2.2 and until the end of the intervention the urea and creatinine levels were still increases and hemoglobin decreases. The dietary interventions provided are a low protein diet and the DASH diet with a soft consistency via oral. Based on the results of the 24 hour recall, the patient's food intake was in the deficient category, namely energy 40.6%, protein 56.1%, fat 40%, carbohydrates 49.8%, and iron 51.2% with a nutritional diagnosis of NI -2.1 and until the end of the intervention patient intake continued to increase. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there was a development in the patient's condition after being given intervention, especially regarding the patient's dietary/intake.


Chronic Kidney Disease Nutritional Care Obstructive Nephropathy

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How to Cite
Ika Wirya Wirawanti. (2023). Nutritional Care for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Suspected of Obstructive Nephropathy, Normochromic Normocytic Anemia, and Hypertension. Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi Dan Keluarga, 3(1), 11-25. Retrieved from


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