Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi dan Keluarga 2024-03-16T09:57:48+07:00 Fatimah Fitriani Mujahidah Open Journal Systems <p><img src="/public/site/images/editorika/Halaman_Sampul_Profesional_Real_Estate_Profesional_Ramah_Hijau_Tua_dan_Kuning_Oranye.jpg" width="275" height="389"></p> <p>Journal Gizi dan Keluarga is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer a national and international academic platform. The focus and scope are clinical and dietetic nutrition, community nutrition, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly.</p> <p>Articles published in the Journal of Nutrition and Family go through a double-blind peer-review process. Therefore, the decision to accept or not the scientific article is the right of the Editorial Board based on recommendations from peer reviewers.</p> <p>Please read and understand the author's guidelines for manuscript preparation. Authors submitting manuscripts to editors must adhere to author guidelines and templates. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or uses a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team prior to review. The editorial team will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Publisher: </strong>Department of Nutrition, Faculty Nursing n Midwife, Megarezky University</p> Analysis Of Factors In The Incident Of Stunting In Children 24-60 Months In Situsaeur, Garut District 2023-12-24T17:52:07+07:00 Iriyanti Harun <p>The prevalence of stunting in children aged 24 to 60 months in Indonesia is similar to a significant health problem, the prevalence rate of stunting in West Java was 29.2%, almost equivalent to the national pre-lens rate of 30.8%. Garut district has the highest figure compared to Sukabumi district (37.4%) and Cianjur (35.7%). The purpose of this study is to analyze the stunting incidence factor for the 24- to 60-month-old Balita in the village of Situsaeur in Garut district. Pe-started analytical observations of the case control design with a total number of subjects (98 newspapers aged 24–60 months), 49 stunting as a case and 49 non-stopping as a control. The data was obtained with anthropometric measurements, KIA book documentation studies, and interviews. The data analysis presented is descriptive and analytical and is analyzed with Chi Squre's statistical test. The study found a significant correlation between protein intake and the occurrence of p-value stunting. 0,000 young people who had fewer protein intakes were 3,333 times more at risk than those who had enough protein. There is no significant relationship between the history of exclusive assigning of dengan stunting incidents and the news p-value of 0.286. The history of BBLR does not have a significant relationship with the occurrence of stunting in news p- value 0.264. The conclusion is that the protein is less associated with the factor occurrence of stunting, while the history of exclusive breastfeeding, BBLR, and disease does not have a significant relationship with stunting occurrences.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Assessment of Nutritional Status in Infants Aged 0-12 Months at The Bara-Baraya Makassar Health Center 2024-03-16T04:31:21+07:00 Nur Asmi Putri Andriani Dwi Alvia <p><em>Acute respiratory infections are caused by viruses or bacteria. This disease begins with fever accompanied by one or more symptoms. Sore or sore throat, runny nose, dry cough or phlegm. ISPA period is calculated within the last 1 month. ISPA will attack the host if the body's resistance (immunology) decreases. The purpose of this study was to determine nutritional status based on anthropometry in infants aged 0-12 months at the Bara-Baraya Health Center. The results of the Nutritional Status Assessment Study at the Bara-Baraya Health Center, Infants who are malnourished based on Body Weight for Length and Height for Age, Weight for Age, and BMI for Age respectively are 6 people (21%), 2 people (7%), 3 people (11%), 6 people (21%). While those who experienced excess nutrition as follows 1 person (4%), 2 people (7%), 0.3 people (11%). Overall, it occurs at the age of 0-6 months. Meanwhile, at the age of 7-12 months, 100% is normal nutrition. By looking at the results of the measurement of Nutritional Status that at the age of 0-6 months babies are prone to nutritional problems, it is hoped that there will be assistance for mothers who have babies 0-6 months at the Bara-baraya Makassar Health Center</em></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Effectiveness Administration Of Virgin Coconut Oil To Prevent Striae Gravidarum In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy 2024-03-16T09:57:48+07:00 Misrawati Misrawati Marliah Marliah <p><em>Pregnancy is a natural and physiological process. Every woman who has healthy reproductive organs who has men- struated and has sexual relations with a man whose repro- ductive organs are healthy is very likely to experience pregnancy. The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of giving virgin coconut oil to prevent striae gravidarum in the first trimester of pregnancy in the working area of the Kassi Kassi Health Center in 2023. This type of research is analytical with a quasi experimental method with a post test only non equiva- lent approach control group. This design is almost the same as the post test only control group design in pure experimental research. The sampling technique in this research is the sample selection method used is non-probability sampling with consecutive sampling type. The population in this study was the sample in this study were 30 pregnant women at the Kassi Kassi Community Health Center in 2023 who met the inclusion criteria and did not include the exclusion criteria. The results of this research, by testing using the chi- square technique, obtained ρ=0.000 &lt;α=0.05, namely ρ value is smaller than α, where Hο is rejected and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that giving Virgin Coconut Oil is effective in preventing Striae Gravidarum in the first trimester of pregnancy</em></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Nutritional Care for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Suspected of Obstructive Nephropathy, Normochromic Normocytic Anemia, and Hypertension 2024-01-16T12:10:36+07:00 Ika Wirya Wirawanti <p>The case study was carried out based on the Standardized Nutritional Care Process (PAGT) in a 69 year old patient, Mrs. HS.. The variables monitored during the study were anthropometry, biochemistry, nutritional focus clinical physical, and dietary for three days. The results showed that anthropometric data, BMI of 16.6 kg/m2, was included in the underweight category, with a nutritional diagnosis of NC-3.1 and at the end of the intervention the patient's nutritional status was still underweight. The patient's laboratory examination, urea and creatinine increased by 141 mg/dl and 8.06 mg/dl and hemoglobin decreased by 7.5 gr/dl, with a nutritional diagnosis of NC-2.2 and until the end of the intervention the urea and creatinine levels were still increases and hemoglobin decreases. The dietary interventions provided are a low protein diet and the DASH diet with a soft consistency via oral. Based on the results of the 24 hour recall, the patient's food intake was in the deficient category, namely energy 40.6%, protein 56.1%, fat 40%, carbohydrates 49.8%, and iron 51.2% with a nutritional diagnosis of NI -2.1 and until the end of the intervention patient intake continued to increase. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there was a development in the patient's condition after being given intervention, especially regarding the patient's dietary/intake.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c)