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Many countries are conducting studies to find appropriate medication, but until now there is no specific drug that can cure COVID-19. When the research had not reached its final conclusion, there were many promotion of drugs that were claimed to specifically cure the Corona virus. Excessive claims without referring to credible study findings would spread misinformation in the community and have the potential to hinder efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.The purpose of this community service is to increase public knowledge through educational efforts about excessive drug claims, especially for COVID-19 patients who are being quarantined in the COVID-19 Tourism Ambassador Program at Almadera Hotel Makassar. Partners in this community service are the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in South Sulawesi Province. The methods used were lectures, discussions and questions and answers. Most of the participants had received misinformation regarding drugs that can prevent and cure COVID-19. Participants are expected to be more selective in receiving information, especially regarding excessive claims of the benefits of a drug in curing or preventing the Corona virus. In addition to counseling, the PKM team provided assistance in the form of a New Normal Starter Kit (Soap, Handbags, Masks, Vitamins) to the participants. The public should increase awareness by always ensuring that medicinal products in circulation are standardized and fit for consumption by using the BPOM Check KLIK application.



Covid-19; Klaim berlebihan; Obat

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How to Cite
Thayeb, A. M. D. R., Rachman, I., & Sulfiani. (2021). Edukasi Tentang Klaim Berlebihan Obat Pada Masa Pandemi di Tempat Karantina Duta Covid-19 Hotel Almadaera. MEGA PENA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(1), 58-66.

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