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Lactating women are a vulnerable group who need to be watched of their nutritional status. The nutritional status of lactating women will affect maternal and baby’s health. The purpose of this community service activity is to assess the nutritional status of lactating women at the Bara-Barayya Health Center in Makassar City. Using purposive sampling method, lactating women who were present at the weighing of infants and toddlers at the Bara-Barayya Health Center and were willing to participate were selected as participant. Lactating women were interviewed about their name and age, then weighed and recorded their weight, height and upper arm circumference. The results of participants' weight and height measurements were used to calculate BMI and their nutritional status was determined in 5 categories: very thin, thin, normal, fat and obese. While LILA, determines chronic energy deficiency (CED) status. As many as 20 breastfeeding mothers participated in this activity. The results were that 60% of the total participants had normal nutritional status and 20% experienced CED 


ibu menyusui status gizi KEK

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How to Cite
Andi Fatwa Tenri Awaru, Ummu Fadlia, & Mekar. (2023). Penilaian Status Gizi pada Ibu Menyusui di Puskesmas Bara-Barayya Kota Makassar. Piramida: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2(2), 1-5. Retrieved from