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The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the lives of most families in Indonesia, causing many changes in their daily lives. Fulfilling the need for healthy food is needed by children to grow and develop properly, one of which is implementing balanced healthy nutrition guidelines. Unbalanced or excessive nutritional intake and activities can cause impaired physical growth, physical endurance and learning abilities of school children. During the pandemic, each individual needs to maintain health and make constant efforts to increase body resistance. Factors that have not been considered are the lack of attention to the availability of materials and the use of existing food to make a balanced food menu. The purpose of this educational activity is to provide education about the knowledge about the importance of eating using balanced nutrition principles, as well as planning menus by utilizing available food ingredients. This activity is carried out online. The implementation of activities includes providing education using posters, magazines, and discs (containing a balanced nutrition menu plan). The activity was carried out for one month and was attended by 19 school-age children assisted by their parents with good enthusiasm during education and held question and answer sessions and evaluations every week. The activity went well and needed further observation.


Gizi seimbang Edukasi gizi Anak sekolah

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How to Cite
Ronitawati, P., Nuzrina, R., Sitoayu , L., Dwi Asmarani, I., & Ramadhan, W. (2022). Literasi Gizi dengan Prinsip Gizi Seimbang Untuk Mengatasi Kerawanan Pangan Pada Anak Usia Sekolah di Masa Pandemi. Piramida: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(2), 30-37. Retrieved from