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The development of minimarkets which generally provide high-calorie foods raises concerns about obesity. This study aimed to see a description of obesity prevalence of community around minimarket area in Makassar city. This type of research was descriptive quantitative with cross sectional design. The population was Makassar people who live around minimarkets with samples selected using the EPI (Expended Program on Immunization) Coverage Survey method by WHO which randomly selected 30 minimarkets as a cluster. In each cluster 27 households were selected as samples so that there were a total of 810 samples. In each household, 1 respondent was selected. Data was collected using a questionnaire to determine the characteristics of respondents and anthropometric measurements in the form of weighing and measuring height to determine Body Mass Index (BMI) in determining obesity status. Data were analyzed by SPSS program with univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that based on the calculation of BMI, the prevalence of obesity was 13% (n=105). The conclusion from this study was the prevalence of obesity in the community around minimarket area in Makassar city was 13% lower than the national obesity prevalence which was 21.8%. It was recommended that the measurement of nutritional status can be carried out on an ongoing basis to monitor the nutritional status of the community.


minimarket obesitas status gizi

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How to Cite
Wirya Wirawanti, I., Alfadila, N., Mutmainnah Yunus, S., & Sasmita Lestari, U. (2022). Gambaran Prevalensi Obesitas Masyarakat di Wilayah Sekitar Minimarket Kota Makassar . Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi Dan Keluarga, 1(2), 75-83. Retrieved from


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