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Nutritional information on food packaging is information that consumers can use to choose healthy packaged food. Making it a habit to read labels, especially the nutritional value information printed on food packaging, needs to be done to make it easier for consumers to choose food according to their needs, especially regarding foods with ingredients that need to be limited, such as sugar, salt and fat. Purpose: This study aims to determine the habit of reading or using ING labels among adolescents and adults. Methods: The study design used was cross sectional with 84 respondents. Data was obtained through filling out online questionnaires and the Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) independently. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately with the Chi-Square test. Results: Respondents with the ability to read ING labels were classified as less likely 2.35 times to consume high levels of packaged sweetened
drinks compared to respondents who had the ability to read ING labels which were classified as sufficient. Respondents who have a habit of reading ING labels are less inclined to consume packaged sweetened drinks more than respondents who have a habit of reading ING labels are quite moderate


Minuman manis kemasan Remaja Dewasa Makassar Label ING

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How to Cite
Ismi Irfiyanti Facjruddin, Eldrian Maikel Mosipate, & Sri Mutmainnah Yunus. (2022). Kebiasaan Membaca Label Ing Minuman Manis Kemasan Pada Remaja-Dewasa Di Makassar. Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi Dan Keluarga, 2(1), 25-33. Retrieved from


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