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The process of pregnancy can be influenced by physical factors, psychological factors and low socioeconomic factors. Pregnancy is the happiest time for a mother. But sometimes, having excessive worries, especially at the end of pregnancy in connection with the approaching birth process. The enlargement of the fetus in the womb results in the expectant mother being tired, uncomfortable, unable to sleep well, often having difficulty breathing and other physical burdens (Rukiyah, 2012). When pregnancy is susceptible to oxidative stress, additional antioxidants are needed (Nadimin, 2016), so that supplements containing antioxidants are needed, especially for vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant or lactating women and the elderly (Arisman, 2010). The purpose of this community service is to provide information to all pregnant women in Moncongloe Bulu Village to consume Moringa leaf flour to stabilize MDA levels. This community service activity was carried out by direct counseling to pregnant women in the working area of ​​Moncongloe Bulu Village and carried out on July 28, 2022 with a total of 22 pregnant women. The results obtained from this activity were that all pregnant women who were present at the time of the counseling were very receptive to the education that had been delivered, some even immediately applied the use of Moringa dau flour as the main solution in stabilizing MDA levels.


Implementation Moringa leaf flour MDA Pregnant women

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How to Cite
Misrawati, M., & Marliah, M. (2023). Impelementasi Pemberian Tepung Daun Kelor Pada Ibu Hamil Terhadap Kadar Malondialdehide. Piramida: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2(2), 69-74. Retrieved from