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The incidence of dysmenorrhea ini adolescent girls can cause a condi- tion of weakness, lack of energy, paleness, lack of concentratio. That has a negative impact on daily activities and one of the common rea- sons for adolescent girls not to move. The aim of this study to deter- mine the effect of hemoglobin levels on the incidence of dysmenorrhea in midwifery students of Megarezky Universiy. The study was con- ducted from September to November 2020 at Megarezky University. The study was quantitatively with a cross sectional study design. The sample were students of level 2 and level 3 of D-III midwifery. The sam- pling technique used accidental sampling technique with a sample size of 68 people. To analyze the results of the study using a statistical test with Chi-Square. The results showed that who had anemia were 47 students (69.1%) and 21 students (30.9%) were not anemic. Mean-while, 44 students (64.7%) experienced dysmenorrhea and 24 student (35.3%) were not. The results of statistical tests between Hb levels and the incidence of dysmenorrhea show that p value = 0.000. The conclu- sion of this study is that there was an effect of hemoglobin levels on the   incidence   of   dysmenorrhea   in   midwifery   DIII   students   at Megarezky University of Makassar.


Hemoglobin dismenore Remaja Putri

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How to Cite
Syamsuriyati, Rosdianah, Syarief, S., Handayani, R., Pratiwi, H., & Rismayanti. (2022). Pengaruh Kadar Hemaglobin terhadap Kejadian Dismenore pada Mahasiswi Ke- bidanan Universitas Megarezky Makassar. Ghizai : Jurnal Gizi Dan Keluarga, 1(2), 69-74. Retrieved from


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